Let’s make some big noises for our silent auction!! Yahooo!


Yes, you read that right…$4400 was the final number for our 2nd annual silent auction. Thank you Ottawa for your generosity and participation. We saw a lot of bidding…especially between 11-12pm on Sunday night! 🙂

We couldn’t have done this without a strong community of giving people, including our fundraising yogis, the giving businesses that we list below (so much generosity!), and of course the community coming out for a good cause to buy cool stuff.

On our road to $50,000 for the kids battling cancer at CHEO, this pushes us even closer to not only making it, but surpassing it!

I know it’s a long list, but please check out the companies who helped make this event possible…they are awesome!

Donating CompanyWeb Site
Anytime Fitnesshttps://www.anytimefitness.com
Astanga Yogahttps://www.astangaottawa.com
Barley Mowhttps://barleymow.com
Chances R Restauranthttp://chancesr.ca
Colonnade Pizzahttp://colonnadepizza.com
Demes Naturalhttps://demesnatural.com/
Elevate Yogahttps://elevateyoga.ca
Escential Gardenwww.escentialgarden.com
Gaia Wellnesshttp://www.gaiawellnessretreat.com
GBI Serviceshttps://www.gbiservices.ca
Giovanni’s Restauranthttps://www.giovannis-restaurant.com
Goodlife Fitnesshttps://www.goodlifefitness.com
Inner Revolution Yoga Studiohttps://innerrevolution.ca
Kerry KotylakYoga instructor at various locations
L’Atelier de Falballahttps://www.facebook.com/AtelierdeFalballa/
Long & McQuadehttps://www.long-mcquade.com/location/Ontario/Ottawa/
Mountaingoat Yogahttp://mountaingoatyoga.com/
Petit Bill’s Bistrohttps://www.petitbillsbistro.com
Popeye’s Supplements Canadahttps://www.popeyescanada.com/loc_ontario_ottawa.html
Purdy Chocolateshttps://www.purdys.com
Pure Yogahttps://www.pureyogaottawa.com
Reform Pilateshttps://reformottawa.com
Royal Oak Hintonburghttp://royaloakpubs.com/entertainment/wellington/
Spotlight Hair & Spahttps://www.spotlighthairandspa.com
Summer Hays Restauranthttp://summerhaysgrill.ca
Susan Kumarhttps://www.facebook.com/pg/susanrmtottawa/about/
Tapp Autohttp://tappauto.com/
The Workshttps://worksburger.com
Tony Graham Toyotahttps://www.tonygrahamtoyota.com/
Trend Microwww.trendmicro.com
Twiss and Weberhttps://twissandweber.com
Vezina Opticienshttp://vezinaopticians.ca
Vial Point Clinichttp://vitalpointclinic.com/#services
West Side SPAhttp://westsidespa.ca
Wishingtree Yogahttps://www.wishingtreeyoga.ca