24Hr Yogapalooza in 2022

We’re baaaaaack! Hard to believe it’s been a year (and what a tough year!) but 24Hr Yogapalooza is back for another year to raise money and awareness for childhood cancer research at CHEO! And we are back LIVE IN PERSON!! 

Check out this message from co-founders Steve Neville & Randy Roffey

Our main event will start during Childhood Cancer Awareness month on September 25th at 8 am at the beautiful Ottawa Art Gallery, running for 24 hours with classes every hour from talented and caring yoga instructors in our community. We are totally stoked and hope you will join us! Sign up to attend now!

With over $180,000 raised (!) over the past 4 years, we thought it would be good to share some of the goodness that such an amazing amount of money is creating. With childhood cancer being such a challenging event for all members of the family, your help makes such a difference, including helping to fund:

  • Advanced oncology research at CHEO by people like Dr. Jason Berman, CEO and Scientific Director of the CHEO Research Institute, leveraging new technologies and genetic research
  • The Terry Fox PROFYLE program, a pan-Canadian project that gives children, adolescents and young adults who are out of conventional treatment options another chance to beat their cancer – using molecular profiling to study the tumors of these patients, no matter where they live in Canada. 
  • An ultrasound machine that guides the needle used in lumbar punctures, decreasing the number of needle pokes, the duration of the procedure and the sedation and recovery time required.
  • An oncology well-being program, supporting young patients on their cancer journey

Thank you to everyone who makes 24Hr Yogapalooza what it is: a community-based fundraiser that takes the intention built into yoga and uses it to help end childhood cancer. 

Steve & Randy
24Hr Yogapalooza Co-founders

Sign up to attend!


24Hr Yogapalooza in 2021

We’re baaaaaack! Hard to believe it’s been a year (and what a tough year!) but 24Hr Yogapalooza is back for another year to raise money and awareness for childhood cancer research at CHEO! 

We are kicking off our 2021 campaign with a free “National Relaxation Day” yoga with the amazing Ro Nwosu and are super excited…please join us!

Like last year, our main event will start during Childhood Cancer Awareness month on September 24th, running for 24 consecutive days with classes every day from talented and caring yoga instructors in our community. We are totally stoked and hope you will join us! Sign up to fundraise now!

Like last year, we’ll also be running an awesome silent auction on September 10-12th with LOTS of great stuff donated by our generous community. Be sure to check it out.

With over $130,000 raised (!) over the past 3 years and over 400 people involved last year, we thought it would be good to share some of the goodness that such an amazing amount of money is creating. With childhood cancer being such a challenging event for all members of the family, your help makes such a difference, including helping to fund:

  • Advanced oncology research at CHEO by people like Dr. Jason Berman, CEO and Scientific Director of the CHEO Research Institute, leveraging new technologies and genetic research
  • The Terry Fox PROFYLE program, a pan-Canadian project that gives children, adolescents and young adults who are out of conventional treatment options another chance to beat their cancer – using molecular profiling to study the tumors of these patients, no matter where they live in Canada. 
  • An ultrasound machine that guides the needle used in lumbar punctures, decreasing the number of needle pokes, the duration of the procedure and the sedation and recovery time required.
  • An oncology well-being program, supporting young patients on their cancer journey

Thank you to everyone who makes 24Hr Yogapalooza what it is: a community-based fundraiser that takes the intention built into yoga and uses it to help end childhood cancer. 

Steve & Randy
24Hr Yogapalooza Co-founders

Tony Graham Automotive Group Announced as Title Sponsor for 24Hr Yogapalooza 2020

For over 50 years, Tony Graham Automotive Group has been dedicated to providing high-quality sales and service of cars and trucks, with a focus on reliability and durability. Client-focused service and an award-winning collision center have earned the Tony Graham Automotive Group a reputation for benchmark levels of service and loyalty. More than just an automotive group, this local Ottawa company has constantly committed to giving back to the community through various charitable efforts and we are incredibly grateful to have them present our CHEO yoga fundraiser: 24Hr Yogapalooza.

The 24Hr Yogapalooza team will be working closely with Tony Graham AutoEdge – a new dealership located in Bells Corners – for upcoming events.  AutoEdge offers a distinctive and extensive multi-brand, pre-owned inventory and is a service shop for all makes and models.

With Tony Graham Automotive Group on board, we are confident that 24Hr Yogapalooza 2020 can make an even bigger difference in the lives of kids with cancer!

24Hr Yogapalooza in 2020

Year 3. Third annual. Third time around. Whatever way you say it, we are SUPER excited to kick off the activities that will culminate in us making a big donation to CHEO & oncology research! 

When we started 24Hr Yogapalooza, we had a feeling that the combination of a mindful practice like yoga with caring for children dealing with cancer could be something big. And with your help, we are going into 2020 with so much positive momentum that it simply will be that: BIG!

Like last year, the main event will be held at the same time as the CHEO telethon, but this year the telethon is being hosted in the CTV studios, so we are going to pack up our mats and be close for some cool collaboration with CHEO during the event. But of course, it’s not just about the main event…this is also about the build up. To build excitement & momentum, we will be running a few events during the coming months, including spring yoga at the Westin Room 22, Mother’s Day yoga in the market, and our amazing silent auction. But the critical part is that we need you to sign up to fundraise and be a part of something BIG:

  • Start a team: Grab your friends, co-workers, & family members to have some fun while making a difference. Run events or simply all pull together donations—it all matters
  • Go solo: As a passionate individual, it’s amazing what simply asking for a donation can do when the cause is as important as childhood cancer, the number one disease-related killer for kids

We had over 140 people involved across participants and volunteers last year and we think we can go BIGGER in 2020! We’ve lined up some very passionate sponsors to help, including our title sponsor Tony Graham Automotive Group, as well as global cybersecurity leader Trend Micro and clothing & sportswear leader Lululemon Athletica. And lots of other support from caring businesses in the Ottawa area…so great.

So, do you want to be a part of something BIG? We think this year is going to be amazing and we would love you to join us! Sign up now and get involved! Follow us on social media to get the latest info and share the news!


Randy Roffey

24Hr Yogapalooza: 2019 Rewind

When I look back at what 24Hr Yogapalooza achieved in 2019, I’m still in awe. Over $53,000 was raised for childhood oncology research at CHEO! It was a testament to what a small, passionate group of people can do when they put their energy together for an important cause. Speaking as a dad who had a son with cancer, there can be no more important cause than keeping our kids safe and healthy.

Our first 24Hr Yogapalooza event in 2018 was truly the definition of grassroots and it raised over $24,000. Last year, the team got bigger and so did the excitement. From our Mother’s Day Yoga, to our very successful silent auction, our yogi tribe was on a roll from the start. 

Our fundraising culminated with the big event…24 straight hours of yoga at the EY Centre alongside the CHEO Telethon. Throughout the 24 hours, we had amazing instructors guiding our yogis non-stop through many different styles of yoga, including couples yoga, warrior yoga, and even yoga nidra in the wee hours of the morning. 

With over 140 people involved in fundraising and volunteering in 2019, we not only over doubled our fundraising dollars, but also the number of people involved in helping kids with cancer through CHEO. 

Truly inspiring…and that inspiration is at the root of what is driving our 2020 efforts to be even bigger. Stay tuned for how you can get involved as we kick off 24Hr Yogapalooza 2020…it’s going to be amazing!



Let’s make some big noises for our silent auction!! Yahooo!


Yes, you read that right…$4400 was the final number for our 2nd annual silent auction. Thank you Ottawa for your generosity and participation. We saw a lot of bidding…especially between 11-12pm on Sunday night! 🙂

We couldn’t have done this without a strong community of giving people, including our fundraising yogis, the giving businesses that we list below (so much generosity!), and of course the community coming out for a good cause to buy cool stuff.

On our road to $50,000 for the kids battling cancer at CHEO, this pushes us even closer to not only making it, but surpassing it!

I know it’s a long list, but please check out the companies who helped make this event possible…they are awesome!

Donating CompanyWeb Site
Anytime Fitnesshttps://www.anytimefitness.com
Astanga Yogahttps://www.astangaottawa.com
Barley Mowhttps://barleymow.com
Chances R Restauranthttp://chancesr.ca
Colonnade Pizzahttp://colonnadepizza.com
Demes Naturalhttps://demesnatural.com/
Elevate Yogahttps://elevateyoga.ca
Escential Gardenwww.escentialgarden.com
Gaia Wellnesshttp://www.gaiawellnessretreat.com
GBI Serviceshttps://www.gbiservices.ca
Giovanni’s Restauranthttps://www.giovannis-restaurant.com
Goodlife Fitnesshttps://www.goodlifefitness.com
Inner Revolution Yoga Studiohttps://innerrevolution.ca
Kerry KotylakYoga instructor at various locations
L’Atelier de Falballahttps://www.facebook.com/AtelierdeFalballa/
Long & McQuadehttps://www.long-mcquade.com/location/Ontario/Ottawa/
Mountaingoat Yogahttp://mountaingoatyoga.com/
Petit Bill’s Bistrohttps://www.petitbillsbistro.com
Popeye’s Supplements Canadahttps://www.popeyescanada.com/loc_ontario_ottawa.html
Purdy Chocolateshttps://www.purdys.com
Pure Yogahttps://www.pureyogaottawa.com
Reform Pilateshttps://reformottawa.com
Royal Oak Hintonburghttp://royaloakpubs.com/entertainment/wellington/
Spotlight Hair & Spahttps://www.spotlighthairandspa.com
Summer Hays Restauranthttp://summerhaysgrill.ca
Susan Kumarhttps://www.facebook.com/pg/susanrmtottawa/about/
Tapp Autohttp://tappauto.com/
The Workshttps://worksburger.com
Tony Graham Toyotahttps://www.tonygrahamtoyota.com/
Trend Microwww.trendmicro.com
Twiss and Weberhttps://twissandweber.com
Vezina Opticienshttp://vezinaopticians.ca
Vial Point Clinichttp://vitalpointclinic.com/#services
West Side SPAhttp://westsidespa.ca
Wishingtree Yogahttps://www.wishingtreeyoga.ca

Meet Bronwyn Lefebvre, a Special Guest Teacher at 24 Hr Yogapalooza

Meet Bronwyn Lefebvre, just one of the amazing special guest teachers who will guide us during 24 Hr Yogapalooza – in Support of Childhood Cancer and CHEO on June 8’th.

Bronwyn’s journey through CHEO, although not about cancer, was a difficult and life-threatening one for a young child and her family.  But thanks’ to CHEO and a whole lot of love, Bronwyn is here to share her story in her own words, that leads her to a rich and supportive yoga practice that has been a key part of her health and wellness.

If you wish to donate to Bronwyn’s CHEO donation page, a link is provided at the end.

 I remember my childhood quite vividly, replaying certain events that are engraved within my mind, scars that have healed, but have never been forgotten. Countless hospital days at CHEO became part of a routine, creating an immense amount of anxiety and fear – the constant bad news became expected, yet I was too young to fully understand what was happening to my body.

    The first hospital visit was one where my parents had rushed me to CHEO after a paediatrician had urged my mother that something was wrong with my heart. During the echocardiogram, the nurse had rushed out of the room, grabbing the cardiologist. It was serious. It was much more than my parents could have ever expected. I was hospitalized and booked for surgery where I was diagnosed with pericarditis, a condition where the sack that holds the heart becomes engulfed with fluid. To this day, I can recall stepping into my hospital room with a nurse awaiting my arrival with an IV stand, which followed with the sharp pain of the needle piercing my skin, the vein unwilling to participate, and the vivid image of blood staining the pillows beside me. This was only the first of many traumatic experiences. Once the fluid had finally subsided, a sense of relief filled the air, but not for long.

    Two years later, I was diagnosed with Lupus, an auto-immune disease that left doctors with a prognosis that I would not live to reach my twenties. I watched my parents’ alarming faces, their baby girl poked, cut, and sewn back together right before their eyes. All I knew at the time was how frightened I was of pain, and as long as I was numbed from experiencing the tip of the needle, then I was comfortable, ignorant of how sick I really was. 

    For the years to come, Lupus became part of my identity. I was prescribed steroids, and watched my tiny frame swell into an overweight child due to the water buildup of the medication. I was isolated from living a truthful, playful and innocent life. Disease was becoming who I was, and my inner true self was locked away. Thus, I continued to neglect seeing things clearly. I needed to make an effort to stay alive, an effort to mature even at such a young age, an effort to fix my diseased body, an effort to become whole again. I began to join my mother in her yoga practice, moving my body in different positions while unknowingly connecting to my Divine nature, my mind, my soul, my spirit.

    Life is never easy, in fact, it’s a constant roller coaster that never seems to stop, especially within the Western world. As a result of the mishaps of my life, I turned to yoga, a decision to take on a path of health, hope, and happiness – one where I was fully responsible, one where I could finally become alive with the world around me. During my times of crisis, I turned to a practice that was introduced to me at a young age, while my mother was in the midst of completing her Ashtanga yoga teacher training with David Swenson in Ottawa, Canada. Thus, began my journey, one where we both participated, practicing together in a space that allowed us to become in tune with our true nature. Yoga allowed me to withdraw from pain and suffering, while guiding my soul towards enlightenment. 

    As time wore, the prevalence of my illness had subsided, I was growing, reaching my teens, prospering with health, and happiness. Lupus had given nothing but bad news for ten years. Although I was no longer taking medication, and the disease had reached a state of remission, I realized that some scars would never possibly heal. From short term memory loss, to gaining an immense amount of insecurities, it was hard to let go of the past, but I knew I needed to set out and connect with my soul and my True Self. I was a living miracle, and was now ready to discover myself in the mountains, the Land of Gods, the birthplace of Yoga, a practice that had saved my life. In September 2016, I embarked on my first solo journey to Rishikesh, India to fulfill my dream of completing my yoga teacher training with my guru, Yogrishi Vishveketu. This sacred space was a predominant life altering event that will forever remain in my heart, an experience like no other, a place that released blocked energy, an introduction to my higher spirituality. 

    I remember sitting in a beautiful cafe overlooking the Himalayas. Their beauty representing how far I’ve come, the strength and courage of my life’s journey. Life is never easy. Obstacles come and go like clouds in the sky. Some are dark, some are dull, and some disappear and let the sun shine bright. I begin to listen and believe in my Divine spirit as it continues to grow each day – I am strong, I am beautiful, I am true, I am whole, I am finally me.

    I believe part of my path is to educate and guide others to heal their Self, physically, spiritually and mentally. I honour this opportunity to share a practice that has ultimately saved my life, a practice that I hope will help others through their own journey, through the bad and the good.

 The Divine light is within us all. We hold the power to protect, to love and to heal. Together, as one, we can overcome the darkest of storms. Join us in making a difference, in tuning into our healing energy.  

    I will forever be grateful to CHEO, an incredible institution that saved my life. The entire staff that continued to uplift me, day in, and day out through some of the most challenging moments with my disease. Part of my strength today has been built by the individuals whom have helped me fight this battle. This is a perfect opportunity to give back, and to help others in need. Please join me in attending this great event, one I am honored to be a part of. 

Namaste forever and always, Bronwyn ‘Dharana’ Lefebvre

Click here to donate to Bronwyn’s CHEO page